
Sorry it has been so long since I have posted anything. Thanks to those who have visited. I never seem to have enough hours in the day to do everything. May was a very hectic month for the Underwood household. Kaycee was so sick for about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks. She is just now back to her mischievous self. She got to take a ride in an ambulance and have a 3 day stay at Children's Hospital. On Mother's Day morning she got up with a slight temp. She was cutting teeth so we thought that was the cause of her temp. My mom was in and she volunteered to stay with Kaycee so I could go to church and get Children's' Church going and then come home. By the time I got home, she was still a little cranky, but didn't seem to have much of a temp. We were laying on the couch resting around 5 and daddy walked in the room and she popped her head up and said "hi" in her cute little voice, then laid her head back down on my chest and went back to sleep. About 30 minutes later she started shaking and I could feel her getting warmer so I put a blankie over her and then a few seconds later she went into a seizure. I totally freaked out! I shouldn't have, but I did, especially after she stopped breathing and started turning blue. I just ran through the house holding her and trying not to drop her from her shaking and screaming for the girls to go and get David. She finally started breathing again by the time David came into the house and took her from me and I called 911 because we had no idea what to do! It seemed like forever until the ambulance got there (it only took 7 minutes, but it seemed like forever). When we got to Children's they took her temp again and it was almost 105. They gave her Motrin because I had given her Tylenol and put her on iv and took a lot of blood. Then they started talking about doing a spinal tap. So we called our pastor and his wife and they came and prayed that she would not have to have one and about 30 minutes later Kaycee started sitting up and playing with some toys in her diaper bag and even smiled a couple times. So the doctor said "no spinal tap". Thank God!!!! Then they sent us upstairs to a room and we spent the next 3 days there while they tried to figure out what was wrong with her. They finally came to the conclusion that she had a UTI and strep throat. But she never acted like she was sick until Mother's Day. They found that she has an extra duct in each kidney and that she has a kidney reflux. So she is on medicine until it goes away. They say it should go away by the time she is 6, so they will continue to monitor it. It turns out her seizure was from the sudden rise in her temp, but they say we need to take a CPR class because she will more than likely do that when her temp gets high now. (Lord, help me to remember what to do!)

Britt and Erica are glad to be out of school. Britt will start band camp at the end of this month. They are going to go on a road trip with Mamaw Jo Anne and Zach to Indiana to the Amish country in Indiana this month. They are really looking forward to that! I hope they don't drive Mamaw too crazy! David and Brittany are looking forward to all the horseback riding trips they will be taking this summer. Britt has a new horse named Grace. She is a paint. We will find out next month hopefully if she is going to be a mommy. Her and our stud, Blue have been romancing out in the back field. We have a total of 5 horses, Blue, Grace, Lady, Rose and Rose's baby, Baby. We are horse poor. But David and the girls love them. I have my dad to thank for that. They would have a hundred horses if we could afford it!


Jackie said...

I'm glad Kaycee is better! I'm I sure I would totally freak out if that happened to me...and I'm a pediatric nurse! It would be so different when it is your own child. You will feel much more confident once you take infant/pediatric CPR.

I love all the pictures of the horses! I keep saying one day I will have a horse...but I'm not so sure that will ever happen!

I'm so glad you started a blog. It's a great way to keep in touch!


Donovan said...


That would be scary for anyone if their child became that seriously ill. So don't feel bad for getting nervious. I am thankful she is well now.

I'm glad you added some new photos. It's neat seeing your family.

Take care and keep posting those pics,