
May 4, 2007

Good Morning! I just saw Jackie Smarte's page on her beautiful daughter, Ava Grace. For those of you who don't know, Jackie is a friend of the family. She lived next door to my family in Florida for years with her parents and her brother. Anyway, when I saw the page she made for Ava, I thought, "what a great idea", so I am copying her. I have three beautiful girls, myself. Brittany is the oldest, 15 years, then there is Erica, 13 years, and then there is Kaycee, 13 months. They are the loves of my life. I don't know what I'd do without them. They bring me so much joy. Brittany is a freshman in highschool this year and she is in the marching band and brass choir. She is a very good trumpet player and does very well in school. She is looking foward to taking driver's ed next year and pesters me to pull into empty parking lots all the time to let her "drive". Erica is a 7th grader this year and is in band and plays the sax pretty good. She can't wait to get out of middle school. She is very quiet and keeps to herself most of the time. Both her and Britt are taller than their short little mother, but Erica is taller than Britt. I have a feeling we are going to be beating the boys with 2x4's trying to keep them away from her. Kaycee just turned 13 months old and is a little bundle of joy. She went for her 12 month checkup today and got her shots and they said she is doing very well and is as developed as a 15 month old. She has been walking holding someone's hand for a few weeks now, but Wednesday she finally decided that she was big enough to take off and walk all by herself. She is pretty much a happy little girl unless she is sleepy or at the doctor's office. She has 12 teeth and is working on two more. She is spoiled by her daddy and if daddy walks by without talking to her or picking her up she cries like her heart has been broken. I hope you enjoy this page as much as I enjoyed Jackie's.


Jackie said...

I'm so glad you decided to do a blog! I love it! I think it is such a neat idea!

Donovan said...


It was great reading about you and your girls. I'm glad you are doing well. It seems like it wasn't that long ago when you were the little girl and now you're married with children of your own. I'm happy for you and glad your still serving the Lord.

Jack Donovan

Donovan said...

Hey Laura,

What's up with the old "Felty" clan??? They are not writing on your blog. :( Do you need me to come to Tennessee and let them have a once over? (ha) Again, it's great reading about what's going on in your life now. I always felt a very close tie to your family. Your Dad was a very special friend to me; I miss him very much and I know you do as well.


Donovan said...

Hi Laura,

I enjoyed reading about your family. You have three beautiful girls. I am glad things are going good for you and your family. It's hard to believe that all of you guys have grown up and have kids of your own. Keep us posted on your Blog it's a good way to see whats going on. Hope you enjoyed Ava Grace's blog, we are very proud of her and love her very much. It's great being grandparents.
