

Brittany turned 18 on Christmas Eve this last year. She will be graduating on May 22nd. I can't believe how fast time has flown by! She has a boyfriend now too. Joe is a very sweet boy. David is having a lot of trouble dealing with the fact that she has a boyfriend now. I tell her it's just because he loves her and wants to protect her and it will eventually get better.
Erica turned 16 on February 4th. We are now in the process of car hunting...uugghhh! I am so sad that my girls are growing up. I wish I could keep them little forever.

The birthday cake I made for Erica

Brittany wanted a Marble Slab ice cream cake

Kaycee loves to pillow fight with Joe


Jackie said...

I love the green and black cake!!

Lisa said...

You do such a great job, Laura!

mommyz3girlz said...


Donovan said...

Nice cake! I understand how David feels... all fathers go through that. Nobody is good enough for their daughters. The fact is... it's true! :)