

Picked Erica up from Nashville on Saturday evening. She had to sit on the plane after landing for about an hour and a half because of a bad storm there. They had to inspect all of the planes scheduled for departure for hail damage before they could move the planes away from the gates. So we did not make it home until between 1 and 2 Sunday morning. Anyway, she had a good time in Arizona and got to go to the Grand Canyon. Picked Britt up from Knoxville airport last night. Her flight was scheduled to arrive at 11:14 last night, but did not get there until midnight because the airline sold all of their seats on their flight from New York and then when they booked them on another flight they forgot to book 3 of the kids and told them they would just have to hope 3 people didn't show up for their flight. Needless to say, the teachers did not go for this option and they all got on the same plane home. They were all very excited to be home even though they had a wonderful time. I will post pictures sometime this week of their trips. I am so glad to have them home:)


Jackie said...

I'm glad they are home. I know you missed them. Can't wait to see the pictures!

Donovan said...

I know you're glad to have them home. When Jamie went off to boot camp, I was a wreck.