

Kaycee's Accomplishments So Far In 2009:

Kaycee has finally conquered the potty training!!! Yiiipppeeee!!!!!!! We only wear pull-ups at night...just in case. She normally stays dry all night, but I just want to be safe right now. It took about 3 weeks for her to "get it". She has only had two accidents in the last week. Which is quite a step up from 2 or 3 a day. She now LOVES her "big girl panties" and going to the potty. She even sits on the "big potty" and thinks it's so much fun to flush it.
She is now sleeping in her "big girl bed". I have moved her mattress into our room and put it on the floor next to our bed. I tried this once before with no success. Now she asks to sleep in it and usually sleeps in it until 4 or 5 in the morning when she wakes up for a few sips of juice.
She can finally pedal her tricycle. She absolutely LOVES it! She rides it around the shop ALL DAY. She even rides it into the bathroom when she needs to potty.

She is growing up so fast. I can't believe she will be 3 in April. Where has the time gone?!


Jo Anne Felty said...

Way to go Kaycee!!! Mamaw Jo is proud of you. You are growing up so fast. I miss you and love you.

Jackie said...

Good job Kaycee!!

Jackie said...

What was she sleeping in before you moved her to the bed? Ava sleeps with us so I am wondering if I am ever going to be able to get her to sleep in her own bed. I don't think I am ready to move her yet...I really love that she sleeps with us:)

mommyz3girlz said...

She was sleeping with us in our bed. I love to snuggle with her, but she seems to wake up more often in the night when she's in our bed. She has been sleeping with us the last few nights though because she has been having nightmares. It sounds silly, but she wakes up screaming and crying that she can't find her bicycle and it's hard to get her calmed down so I've just put her back in the bed with us and she calms down and goes back to sleep.

Jackie said...

Aww..I hope the nightmares stop! I would do the same thing and put her back in my bed:)