

Last night we went to Gibbs High to watch the drumline do their "Saturday Night Live" show and the Winterguard do their "Horton the Elephant" show. It was really good. Britt did an excellent job (as well as the other girls). Kaycee loved to watch the "Whos" dance around and throw their flags in the air. I wish my video camera was working so I could have taped it. I will make sure I have a working one next year. Erica is going to try out for Color Guard next week. She will be a freshman next year! Boy is time flying by! Kaycee will be 2 tomorrow. It seems like yesterday that I brought her home from the hospital. She is growing so fast. She is learning so much! I am just amazed at how smart she is and how much she picks up on. Here are some pictures of Britt in her costume (big footy pj's) and her buddy Kristin.


Jo Anne Felty said...

Wish I could have been there. Looks like it would have been fun

Jackie said...

That looks like fun!