

It has been a long time since I have posted anything. Not a whole lot has been happening. We lost a horse about a week ago and had to bury her. She was a 4 year old paint. She never matured like other horses. We believe she died from health problems. The girls took it really hard because we had raised her from birth. Her name was Baby. She was one of the friendliest babies we have ever raised. When she was just hours old, she let us pet her and if we sat on the ground, she would try to sit in your lap like a dog. We still have her mommy so maybe one day we will get to raise another baby. Britt is now in Winterguard and has practice two, sometimes three nights a week at school. Erica doesn't have anything going on right now. She has been struggling with her acid reflux a lot lately. Kaycee has been learning to talk more and more. She LOVES to dance and sing! She got a kitchen for Christmas and likes to cook stuff for us to eat. She is also into baby dolls right now too. Erica gave her one of hers that she kept. The baby doll cries and coos and takes a bottle and burps after you feed her. She holds it and rocks it and tells it "sshh, it's ok baby". It's so sweet. I'm glad she likes it though. A couple of weeks ago, Erica had to bring home the "health baby" from school and Kaycee was terrified of it. Every time it cried, she cried like someone was hurting her and just shook and kept saying, "I scared". I'm glad that is over! The picture of Britt is with her friends at school on "silly day".


Jo Anne Felty said...

I am glad to see the update. Miss everyone. Mamaw

Jackie said...

I am so sorry about your horse.

I love all the new pictures:)

Donovan said...

It's hard to lose a pet because they are like family. They love us with an unconditional love. Animals are a blessing from God.