
These pictures are from Saturday night at church. The youth played Fear Factor and poor Erica got stuck with one really bad challenge. She had to eat a nasty pile of yuck that had been heated in the microwave to make the smell of it REALLY bad! It really smelled like something dead and rotting. I only know some of the ingredients, but that was enough to gross ME out! It had sardines, tuna, potted meat, oysters, hot peppers, bean sprouts,brussel sprouts and some other stuff. She was the second one finished. I am so suprised she didn't puke it up...I would have! Britt had to stick her face in green slime and find clothes pins with her mouth and lay on her back and eat mustard covered marshmallows that were dropped into her mouth. Erica also put her head in a box filled with crickets, frogs and meal worms (spelling?). The worms bite you while they are crawling on you too. She also had to eat a banana and drink a whole can of sprite in one minute without puking that up too.


Jo Anne Felty said...

Sure am glad I didn't have to do any of the yucky stuff. My stomach could not have taken it. Did you win any good prizes?

Love you

mommyz3girlz said...

Sadly, their team came in 3rd so they didn't get any prizes.

Donovan said...

Sounds like ummmm fun...

Jackie said...

There is no way I could eat that stuff! I don't know how they didn't throw up!

I love all the new pictures!