

It has been a while since I have posted anything. I apologize for that, but life has been soooo busy here! Last Saturday David and I decided we had enough of the running around, housework, etc. and we needed a day to do nothing. So we decided to pack a picnic and take the girls to the mountains! It was so peaceful and I didn't want to leave. This was Kaycee's first trip to the mountains. She got to play in the creek with Daddy and the girls. She loved it! They showed her how to throw rocks in the water and make a splash. Boy did she think that was fun. After lunch we decided to drive the 11 mile loop road. We put the windows down and Britt and Erica sat on the sides of the minivan with the doors open while we drove through. We saw a lot of wild turkeys, quite a few deer, a big black snake and a bear cub. The picture I took of the bear didn't come out very good. I was trying to follow it to get the picture and it kept moving every time I snapped a picture. It was very close to where we ate lunch. I'm just glad we didn't see momma bear!


Donovan said...


Those are good times that you have with your children before they move away to start their own lives. Enjoy every minute you can. Great photos.


Jo Anne Felty said...

I'm glad you took some time to relax. You need to do that more often. I'm sure Kaycee had fun in the water, I know how much she likes it.
Love you lots