
Well, the pictures I promised are not going to happen! Unfortunately, Miss Kaycee got a hold of my camera and "accidentally dropped" it on the ground and broke it! I have no one to blame but myself though. I should have made sure she couldn't reach it. Our cookout was nice. Although the pool water was a little too cold for me. We had Echo with us and she enjoyed the pool a lot. Cissa was sick and Eric had to work so Echo stayed Saturday night with us and went to church with us. She had a great time in the nursery with Kaycee. The only time there was any fussing between them was when they both wanted Britt at the same time. Then there was a lot of "squealing" and pushing. Kaycee is not sleeping well at all for the last few days. She is up at least 6 or 7 times at night so David and I are walking zombies. I don't know what to do to get her to stay asleep at night. It doesn't help either that daddy has her spoiled with sleeping in the bed between us. He likes to snuggle with her and watch her sleep. I keep telling him that this is a HUGE mistake and we'll never get her to sleep in her own bed. But he says it keeps us from having to walk all the way across the house 3 or 4 times a night when she wakes up. The girls had a great time at King's Island and were totally exhausted when they returned around 1:30 Saturday morning. I will put some of their pictures on here tomorrow. They will be leaving for Indiana this Thursday with Mamaw Jo Anne and Zach to visit the Amish country. They are excited about that and from what I hear Zach is quite excited too! Next weekend we will be going to Nashville to spend time with Mamaw Jo Anne and help her unpack her boxes in her new condo she is moving to. I promised the girls dinner at the Rain Forest Cafe while we are there so they are looking forward to that. I'm not sure how Kaycee will like it though. For those who don't know what it is, it's a restaurant that looks like a rain forest on the inside with moving animals that make noise and it is quite dark and noisy in there. Hopefully she will like it. David's band will be going to Bushnell, Illinois next weekend to play at a big music festival called Cornerstone. They will be playing with groups like Whitecross and Toby Mac and others. The guys are totally excited and beside themselves. There is also going to be a lable going there specifically to see them play to see if they want to sign them. The guys are pretty popular here in Knoxville and Maryville.
The pictures above are Cissa aggravating Zach, Britt in her band uniform from last year, Eric at the hospital when Echo was born, Erica, and Kaycee with her Uncle Jimmy at a Valentine's Dinner

1 comment:

Donovan said...

Great pics! I am glad David is still playing the guitar and singing for the Lord. I am still playing the Les Paul I got from your dad right after Jackie was born. I have been playing guitar now for 37 years. I still sing too but not as much as I once did.
